Thursday 20 March 2014

Process Approach to Writing & Micropublishing

The supporters of the process-centered approach in writing can be divided in the following two categories:
- Expressivism: Values fluency and writer’s  ‘voice’ as methods to become proficient writing. Composing is seen as ‘a creative act in which the process -the discovery of the true self- is as important as the product’ .
- Cognitivism: Sees writing as problem solving, emphasises the development of a writer’s mental processes and writing strategies, but agrees with expressivists that process is personal and repeats itself.

Which of these categories do you prefer, and why? And how would you shape writing exercises in CALL, according to your preference?

Merve: I like writing expressively and appreciate reading such pieces of readings in general. When it comes to teaching, though, we might need both cognitivism and expressivism in an orderly fashion. A progressive approach starting with the cognitive view of writing evolving to the expressive phases would help students build upon their skills easily and effectively.

Sonat: I think extensive reading is crucial. As Selahattin said, CALL may facilitate this process through the use of blogs as a discussion platform. As most of our students are reluctant to read extensively, it is a must for teachers to engage them through some tools that are appealing to their age and interest.

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