Tuesday 4 March 2014

Technological Pedagogical Content knowledge and Teacher Needs

(Picture taken from: https://edutac.wikispaces.com/TPCK)

 As shown above, Schulman’s TPCK framework describes the connections between different types of teacher knowledge. In which domain(s) do you think you need to improve yourself more in order to have a more informed approach to teaching?


  1. I think I need to improve myself more in technological knowledge. I have been trying to find out more about new technological tools. However, I am not tech-savvy. I try to keep abreast of the advances. However, I am also well aware of the fact that knowing about all these technologies is not sufficient. Therefore, technological pedagogical knowledge is also crucially important for all of us so as to put it all into practice in our classrooms.

  2. As you mentioned, Sonat, we could feel we need more training/information in certain areas, but it's not enough to fill up just one domain. The heart of these interconnected circles is strongest when all the related ones are taken care of. I think we've started to learn about some great tools and their appropriate uses in class and that's a huge step towards making ourselves more knowledgeable about TPCK.

  3. As teachers, we have to have excellent command of both C and P circles as a whole. However, with respect to circle T, it could be sufficient to master the parts where it overlaps with the other two circles only. And those overlaps are really what I need most improvement in.

  4. I think I need to improve myself most on the pedagogical technological level, because I'm having trouble with seeing what kind of tool would fit best to the aim of my lesson and the abilities of my students.
